Acne Treatment: Balancing Effectiveness and Side Effects

As if just having a bad case of acne weren't trouble enough, a study published in early 2006 discovered that treating acne can lead to twice the risk of developing a sore throat.

The culprit appears to be the ubiquitous antibiotic prescriptions for acne, whether for use on the skin or by mouth. The bacteria P. acnes plays a central role in the development of acne, so it's no wonder that antibiotics have been one of the most effective tools doctors have in treating acne.

But, according to the study of 118,496 acne patients (LDI Issue Brief 2006 Feb;11(4):1-4), risk of developing an upper respiratory infection doubles if an antibiotic is taken for six weeks or more.

If you have acne, what are the practical implications? Without an antibiotic prescription, your risk of developing a sore throat is about 1 in 10. Not bad. But, with the antibiotics - whether oral or topical - your risk shoots to 1 in 5.

Unfortunately, that's on top of the risks that were already known about. Such as yeast infections, heartburn, sun sensitivity and, perhaps most importantly, the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

This study spotlights a central challenge in treating acne. The patient is frequently forced to choose between two difficult options. On the one hand, without treatment (or with suboptimal treatment), acne continues to diminish the quality of life with its discomfort, decreased self-confidence and potential long-term scarring.

On the other hand, most acne treatments are associated with troublesome side effects. This study underscores some of the problems with antibiotics. Other acne prescriptions have their own frustrating side effects, like Accutane, Retin-A and others. So do over-the-counter acne medications like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and sulfur.
Tip! Amy-Jo Strutt is a successful beauty writer and regular contributor to an online resource to help you find the very best acne, acne treatment and acne skin care information.

As a consequence, an integral part of all acne care is finding the balance between those extremes. Prior to this study, dermatologists were already implementing strategies to limit the use of antibiotics as much as possible - while still keeping it in balance with satisfactory control of the acne. Since the study's appearance, many dermatologists are increasing those efforts, for example by decreasing the frequency of dosing.

Those relying on over-the-counter acne medications are also discovering advances that help them find the happy medium. Benzoyl peroxide is a very effective acne medication, but can cause redness, irritation and flakiness. The recent development of time-release benzoyl peroxide allows the effect to be more gradual, lessening the irritation.

Another innovative technology, Acne Recovery, allows the acne user to adjust the strength of benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid medications. With that adjustment, users are able to find the ideal balance for their skin's unique needs.
Tip! The topical acne treatment is also intended to remove oils and bacteria that are present in pimples. The topical medicine pulls the dirt and oil out of the pores, helping the affected area to heal quickly.

Acne takes a significant toll on its victims, both physical and psychological. And, while the search for balance can be frustrating, excellent treatment options exist for all acne sufferers.

Randall Wilkinson, MD is CEO of Trienelle Skincare, Inc. He and his team led the development of the new, adjustable Acne Recovery System for the treatment of adult acne and teen acne.

Acne Vulgaris Treatment

Acne vulgaris is a form of acne that affects people all over the world. It is mainly found in teens, but adult cases are quite common. The exact cause of the condition is unknown.

All cases begin with a comedone, or acne lesion, that is clogged with oil and bacteria. It lies beneath the skin and grows as the skin produces oil (sebum). The bacteria feed off the oil and it can become enlarged and swollen. If this occurs, the skin in turn becomes irritated as white blood cells try to fight the inflammation.

If the clogged follicle stays beneath the surface of the skin, but does not become inflamed, it is called a whitehead, or closed comedone. If the plug enlarges and pushes through the skin's surface, it is called an open comedone or blackhead. The dark appearance of the plug is due to the melanin buildup on the surface and not dirt.

Acne vulgaris can cause skin to become inflamed. The mildest form of this inflammation is a papule, which appears as a small, hard bump on the skin. Pustules are similar to papules but they have a white or yellow center. This type of acne vulgaris is inflamed and causes irritation. A nodule is a large legion that can be painful and last for a few months. Cysts are similar to nodules, but are pus-filled and also leave deep scars. Both cause scarring and can last for a few months. A rare form is called acne conglobata. This is a condition that usually affects men between the ages of 18 to 30 years old. It affects the face, chest, back, upper arms, buttocks and thighs. It can cause severe scarring of the body.
Tip! Lasers acne treatment is much more invasive than non-ablative lasers. They remove by erosion, melting, evaporation, or vaporization.

Acne Vulgaris treatment can range from over-the-counter solutions such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, found in popular topicals such as Clearasil and Stridex, which fight to clear the skin by reducing the bacteria on the surface and clearing the pores. Other over-the-counter methods that can be used are mild scrubs that will not irritate the skin or tea tree oil (an oil from Australia that has anti-bacterial properties).

Glycolic Acid, a fruit acid that exfoliates the skin to cause quicker cell turnover, works to clear pores quickly and fight clogged pores. In its earlier use, it was only used in a dermatologist's office, but now it can be purchased over-the-counter in low percentages of the acid.
Tip! After the skin is cleared, a lot of people find themselves carrying around a few scars. Another purpose for acne treatment is to stop or even heal acne scarring.

For more severe cases, one must visit a dermatologist for stronger acne vulgaris treatment. Medications such as Accutane or Retin-A may be prescribed. Accutane, or isotretinonin, should only be used when the skin has not responded to other acne vulgaris treatment. It is usually very successful to clear skin of even the worst conditions, but it has serious side effects.

Most people will experience dry face and chapped lips when they take Accutane. Those two side effects are the most common; but other side effects are more serious such as birth defects, neurological and other physical problems and possibly depression. However, if your condition has not improved with OTC remedies, and Accutane is the last resort, the promise of a successful acne vulgaris treatment may outweigh the possible risks.
Tip! We have made a research to find the best acne treatments. Find it only on the natural cures for acne source.

David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and a regular contributor to a variety of health websites. He is the author of Acne Vulgaris Treatment, a blog dedicated to the treatment of acne, covering conventional and natural remedies for clearing up blemished skin.

Back Acne Treatment

Back acne is a type of skin condition found on the back, rather than the more common places such as the face and neck area. Modern science does not know exactly what causes the outbreaks, but several factors might contribute to it.

Back acne is a type of skin condition found on the back, rather than the more common places such as the face and neck area. Modern science does not know exactly what causes the outbreaks, but several factors might contribute to it.

It is thought to be possibly caused by tight-fitting clothes that don't allow the skin to breathe and trap perspiration under the skin leading to clogged pores. All of the types of blemishes that are common on the face can also appear on the back. Back acne appears in the form of papules and pustules as well as whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads occur when the pore is clogged with bacteria, sebum (or oil) and dead skin cells. Blackheads occur when the pore is partially clogged with the same elements. Papules appear as tiny, red bumps on the skin and pustules are similar bumps that have a yellow or white pus-filled center. These back acne types are more resistant to treatment than the acne that appears on the face.

If you suffer from acne back get rid of the problem in a variety of ways. The most common way is to wash the area after perspiring to reduce the bacteria and sebum. Over-the-counter remedies such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide can help to clear the pores, but the solutions need to be in higher concentrations than would be used on the face. Tea tree oil can also help get rid of back acne by applying it to dry skin in a thin layer at least twice a day. Finally, try to wear cotton fibers while exercising to allow pores to breathe and remain dry.

A more serious approach may be needed if back acne does not clear with over-the-counter products. Some of the more powerful drugs that can be prescribed are antibiotics such as erythromycin or tetracycline. These work to kill the excessive bacteria in the body, however, the results only last for as long as the back acne treatment is administered. Plus, you can develop a resistance to antibiotics over time.
Tip! One thing that is important to consider when treating acne is why it is there in the first place. When you find this out, you are better able to find an acne treatment that will work for your specific condition.

If all remedies for back acne treatment do not work, Accutane or isotretinoin, works to reduce the amount of sebum the pores produce. However, because these are more potent, the side effects can be a lot more serious.

Talk to your dermatologist about your options when it comes to treating back acne as well as breakouts and blemishes anywhere on your body. He or she will point you in the right direction.

David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and a regular contributor to a variety of health websites. He is the author of Back Acne Treatments, a blog dedicated to the treatment of acne, covering conventional and natural remedies for clearing up blemished skin.

Best Treatment for Adult Acne

Adult acne is an inflammatory skin disorder which is commonly seen in people aged between 30 and 50 years. Adult acne is more likely to be seen in people with fair skin. The exact reasons for adult acne is unknown but is believed to relate to the changes or imbalance in an individual's body hormones. It is believed that the hormonal changes of an individual, at various times in his/her life, leads to the increases in the amount of oil in the skin which results to clogged pores or hair follicles in the skin. This leads waste particles to build up under the surface of one's skin which becomes infected by bacteria and generates acne or the spots suffered by acne sufferers.

Hence the main aim of any best adult acne treatment should include prevention of scarring, clearance of acne, and morbidity minimization. Acne sufferers must be advised to cleanse their skin gently using a non-comedogenic moisturizer. It is also advisable not to use harsh skin products and avoid picking and rubbing the skin. Consuming more amount of water can also help skin stay healthy.

People who are suffering with mild to severe adult acne can be treated with tropical or oral medicines. For severe form of adult acne systemic therapy is mainly used. A wide assortment of systemic agents used to clear adult acne includes isotretinoin, interlesional corticosteroid injection, oral contraceptives, and oral antibiotics (tetracycline and erythromycin).

In United States, some of the most popular prescription topical antimicrobials used to treat adult acne include benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, erythromycin, clindamycin, and sodium sulfacetamide. Some of the various types of prescription topical retinoids used in the treatment of adult acne include tazarotene, adapalene, and tretinoin.
Tip! Every over the counter acne treatments have one (or a combination) of four active ingredients- the rest is just packaging. Benzoyl peroxide is one of the best medications for acne.

Most treatments for adult acne are similar to ordinary acne. Remember not every popular adult acne products work well for everyone. It is always a better idea to consult your physician before you choose any adult acne treatment.

We have made the most comprehensive research on adult acne. Find the results only on the Best treatment for adult acne guide. More valuable acne info on

Finding the Best Acne Treatment for Your Troubled Skin

Acne causes embarrassment and discouragement for millions of people. Most are in their teen years, but adults are affected, too. There are many choices of acne treatment on the market. Some are well formulated, while others are weak and ineffective. Finding the best acne treatment for your skin can improve your outlook, and your looks.

The best products for treating your acne are natural, gentle products. Look for botanical ingredients in the list. Some herbal ingredients that are healing to blemished skin include sage, yarrow, coltsfoot, wild thyme, horsetail, althea (or marshmallow), and balm mint (or melissa). Aloe vera is a well known skin healer, and is often included in good acne products.

Also valuable in a treatment remedy for acne are certain essential oils. Some essential oils are harsh for skin. (None should be used straight, but should always be diluted with a carrier oil!) The best acne treatment products might include oils such as lavender, rose, tangerine, and geranium. These are not only healing to the skin, but will make the product smell great, too.

If the product is made with a transdermal system, any vitamins or herbal ingredients will be able to absorb into the skin and treat the acne where it starts. Some vitamins that might be included in a topical acne treatment include vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and pro vitamin B5.
Tip! Section 2. Bentonite Clay Is A Superior Acne Treatment Bentonite Clay has been extensively used by many people and they have 'all' had major breakthroughs.

Just like healthy food for the body, the best acne treatment will provide nourishment and nutrition directly to the skin. The skin tends to reveal the health of a person. What shows up on the outside often indicates a deficiency or need on the inside. Getting a healthy diet can help you overcome your acne, and is a good addition to make to your use of good products.

Even the best products, however, won't clear up that acne if they are used inconsistently. It's a good idea to get into the routine of taking your vitamin supplements and cleansing your face every day. Don't let procrastination or disorganization leave you without time for taking care of yourself. The skin is the largest organ in the body. It is a major agent in removing toxins from the body. It needs to be pampered and cared for.
Tip! Who else wants to use natural acne treatment systems that work from the inside. To download your free report on the 2 fastest ways of getting rid of acne.

A moisturizer is also an important part of an acne treatment. Like other components, it needs to be 100% natural, or it can make matters worse by contributing to clogging the pores. Make sure you take the time to read the label to make sure the ingredients are natural botanicals, nutrients, and healthful oils.

Some people say you should try to use only products on your skin that you would be willing to put in your mouth. This might not always be the case, since the skin does act like a filter, while absorbing nutrients and other substances. Still, one should be cautious about using unnatural products.
Tip! In either treatment, laser acne treatment can be quite effective. In some cases, there will be the need for several treatments to be done, though.

Written by Jim McDonald, a contributing writer for, an informative website about the Best Acne Treatment and natural skin care.

Acne Treatment

Most people have acne at one time or another. This common skin complaint has left many individuals hunting for an effective acne treatment that can be used by a large number of people. Pimples are not selective; they tend to appear on any individual and everywhere. This gives researchers a worthwhile goal in discovering the ideal acne treatment.

Something which must be considered is the purpose for the skin clearing strategy. There are differing approaches for acne treatment, each with its own considered purpose. The typical main purposes behind acne treatments are to clear the skin from lesions and breakouts and to treat scarring. These are the most significant motives for discovering the best approach.

The first intention of clearing the skin from lesions and breakouts is possibly the more popular reason behind finding the best acne treatment. One rule of thumb is to only wash the area affected by acne twice each day. An excess of washing can irritate the skin and cause the acne to worsen.

Many doctors suggest a medication applied directly to the affected area. There are many topical medicines designed as acne treatment. These products exfoliate the skin. The upper layer of skin is often covered with dead cells that work to obstruct the pores. When the skin is exfoliated, the dead layer of skin is washed away, leaving a fresh new layer that will not cause obstruction.

The topical acne treatment is also intended to remove oils and bacteria that are present in pimples. The topical medicine pulls the dirt and oil out of the pores, helping the affected area to heal quickly. These types of acne treatments are also effective in decreasing inflammation associated with many acne breakouts. The reduction of redness and swelling makes the pimples less evident.
Tip! In any case, to get the acne treatment that you need, you should first see your dermatologist to determine your needs. You may need one or other types of medications.

After the skin is cleared, a lot of people find themselves carrying around a few scars. Another purpose for acne treatment is to stop or even heal acne scarring. Because acne scars frequently vary in significance, the approaches vary as well. Some are quite basic while others are quite invasive. The individual chooses which acne treatment is best suited, according to the severity of the scarring.

Dermabrasion is an example of a relatively simple approach to treating shallow scars. The skin is treated with a rotating brush that removes the surface scars. The chemical peel is an acne treatment that removes scars using chemicals that slather off the scarred skin.
Tip! Section 2. Bentonite Clay Is A Superior Acne Treatment Bentonite Clay has been extensively used by many people and they have 'all' had major breakthroughs.

More invasive approaches include scar excisions that remove the scar and pull the healthy skin together, and also punch grafting. Punch grafting involves removing the scar with a surgical hole-punch. The open plug where the scar originally was is filled with a plug of new skin. It is hoped that in the future an acne treatment will be designed that will eliminate the requirement for surgical approaches to acne scar removal, but for now these are very valuable for those suffering from acne scars.

Oliver Ardall is the Webmaster of Top Acne Info You will find a lot of interesting articles and great resources at his site. For all the info you want on acne, visit:

Natural Acne treatment Vs Conventional Medication

Many people who have proved conventional acne treatments seeking for an effective solution to their Acne problem didn't notice results or their effectiveness has worn off due to long term use. In fact, they experience superior results when they decided to give a chance to natural acne treatments.

But why does this upsetting skin affection develop? In women, acne can actually be caused by two different hormones. It's usually an overabundance of androgens (male hormones) or estrogens (female hormones). In men, it can also be caused by imbalances in these male and female hormones.

This hormonal imbalance triggers Acne breakouts by over-stimulating the oil glands, that are in our skin, to produce more sebum on acne prone areas of the body (like our face, chest, neck, etc), which then results in a clogging of the pore, hence the characteristic of Acne that nobody wants…the ugly pimples.

If you are looking for some natural remedies that equalize these hormones, you may want to include in your diet Antioxidants as they are "blood purifiers" and their properties foster an environment for mending skin eruptions as well as preventing new breakouts and promoting a healthy glow and skin tone.

Today, there's a huge variety of natural acne treatments in the market. They claim to help you with improving Acne and its blemishes but you have to be very careful in choosing witch one you will use. However, they are mostly designed to do two things:

1.) Help correct hormonal imbalances related to acne breakouts.

2.) Reduce inflammation and swelling, and pave the way for fast skin repair where breakouts have recently occurred.

Some other tips you can follow to help prevent unsightly breakouts are:

1.) Drink plenty of water. This helps to cleanse the system, and results in clearer, more hydrated skin.

2.) Avoid caffeine and caffeine-containing products like chocolate or supplements containing caffeine or other stimulants.

3.) Relax. Try a calming exercise for when you get stressed out. Stress triggers breakouts for many individuals.

4.) Avoid harsh cleansers or toners - these can only aggravate acne and cause further irritation and redness.

5.) Use a light, non-comedogenic (non pore-clogging) sunscreen. While it is true a suntan may camouflage breakouts, it mostly aggravates them by forcing further oil production due to its drying effects. Try using a good facial self tanner instead.
Tip! A dermatologist often combines several acne treatments, asking you to use one medication in the morning and another in the evening. However, it's not safe to do this on your own, because there are several side effects that might make matters worse.

If you follow these few simple skincare principles, and combine them with a high quality acne treatment that includes a change in your lifestyle habits and a good natural skin care product.

If you already had acne and left you with some marks that permanently bothers you when you look to the mirror, don't think they will last forever. Not if you use BIO SKIN CARE cream, a great new product that helps you restore blemished skin with it's NATURAL SKIN RENEWAL ACTIVATORS.

Competing pharmaceutical companies have develop a variety of natural creams, tonics and lotions, but none has ever surpassed BIO SKIN CARE cream because it produces quicker and best results.

BIO SKIN CARE Cream penetrates so deeply into the skin that it actually jump-starts and reactivates the skin's own dormant youthful processes - as if the clock was turned back, the skin once again begins to produce more collagen and its own natural moisturizers. The rate of skin cell production and shedding is increased. Wrinkled, sun-damaged, blemished skin cells are rapidly stripped away, and the skin works quickly to replace the old cells by bringing brand new baby-soft skin cells to the surface instead, resulting in a youthful, dewy complexion. BIO SKIN CARE cream then bathes these beautiful new skin cells with nourishing vitamins and protective nutrients.
Tip! Cystic acne treatment can undoubtedly give rise to certain side effects, but these should all subside once treatment is complete. And for the many patients who have completed treatment, the wonderful results have been well worth it.

After only 8 weeks using Bio Skin Care twice a day, the skin looks younger, firmer and lustrous, and continues improving with each successive treatment!

About The Author Martha Fitzharris is a free lance journalist for a website offering a new biological natural skin care product that activates skin renewal for a healthy skin.

Microdermabrasion Acne Treatment

A microdermabrasion acne procedure is one to consider if your facial skin has suffered scarring due to nodules, cysts or other severe forms of acne. The treatment will remove the skin's top layer of dead cells and smooth scarred tissue. This procedure works especially well for those who have suffered rare, disfiguring acne conditions. Microdermabrasion smooths the surface of the skin, removes very fine lines, stimulates collagen production, and reduces skin imperfections.

Microdermabrasion acne scars removal is an option for people whose severe breakouts result in scars on the face. However it will not work on acne scars that are very deeply imbedded in the skin; it is for scars that have not extremely deep, but are closer to the outer layer of skin. It's important to note that acne microdermabrasion is not a good choice for those individuals with the following conditions: rosacea, herpes, warts, eczema, lupus, and diabetes. Other conditions may also influence the safety of the treatment and a dermatologist will help to determine what is best for each patient.

Acne microdermabrasion will further promote new skin cell production in the deepest layer of the skin as it clears dull and congested skin. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and maximum results are achieved between 4 to 12 visits, depending on the severity of the skin in the area. Skin in the acne dermabrasion area will be slightly pink for a couple of weeks afterward.

Patients find the skin from acne dermabrasion to be tight for the first 24-48 hours. One's skin may feel like a mild sunburn or windburn, but any further pain is not common. Using a good moisturizer along with a high SPF will help soothe skin after the microdermabrasion acne scars treatment. Also, some peeling and light crusting may be expected in the area. No anesthesia is needed for the procedure, since it is non-invasive. Patients can drive home right after. Patients will see results for up to a year and as such maintenance will be required.

Microdermabrasion acne scar treatment is a good option for those who wish to unclog pores and reduce fine acne scarring. It may be the answer for some individuals, but a trip to the dermatologist is the first step to consider before this procedure. Acne microdermabrasion results will last if done properly and the healing of skin proves to heal acne scars, as well as the individual's overall appearance.

David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and a regular contributor to a variety of health websites. He is the author of Microdermabrasion Acne Scars, a blog dedicated to the treatment of acne, covering conventional and natural remedies for clearing up blemished skin.

Practicing A Proactive Acne Treatment

Having acne can be a miserable experience to have to endure. It can be physically and emotionally painful and embarrassing. It can cause feelings of isolation, low-self esteem, even depression. Acne affects nearly everyone at some point in his or her life, whether it's during puberty, pregnancy (or during some other hormonally-charged period in life), or just during any time of adulthood. But there are ways to prevent and even control acne if you take a preemptive approach. The best way to counteract the effects of this skin problem is to carry out a proactive acne treatment, which will help you to take care of your body as well as your skin.

Proactive is defined as acting in advance of an expected problem, or to be anticipatory. If you know that you are prone to acne, anticipating the problem and taking steps to defend yourself against it is the best way to go. There are several proactive acne treatment measures that a person can take in order to reduce the amount of breakouts, and to keep the breakouts that do occur from being too bad. One of the best ways to deal with acne is through exercise.

Exercise is not only a great way to regulate your weight and keep your body in good physical condition, but it also helps to lower stress levels that can cause or aggravate acne. In addition, sweating is a way of cleaning out the body, ridding it of oils and bad bacteria. It is important, though, to wear lightweight, breathable fabrics when exercising. Perspiration that is trapped between fabric and the skin can let bacteria grow and clog the pores, which will lead to acne.

Another effective proactive acne treatment is through diet. Though it is commonly understood now that what you eat does not cause acne, it is also commonly known that certain vitamins and minerals help the body fight the war on acne. It is a good idea to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B, C, and E. This will not only give you a healthy body, but will help to curb breakouts. In addition, drinking plenty of water will help keep your skin looking fresh, and your color bright.

Stress has an immense effect on a person's complexion. We wear our problems on our faces, in the form of dark circles, wrinkles, and yes, even acne. There are a variety of stressors that affect us in different ways. Stressors are things that cause anxiety to your body and your well-being, which can also cause or aggravate an acne problem. Certain external stressors involve things that negatively affect the outside of your body, and include such things as oil-ridden cosmetics, overexposure to the sun, and a poor diet.

Internal stressors include factors that cause anxiety, depression, or low self esteem. Not dealing with emotions or high stress levels can cause acne flare-ups or other outward indications of inward problems. As mentioned before, exercise is an ideal way to manage stress. Also, participating in activities that you enjoy can also reduce your stress levels. And, don't forget to get an abundance of sleep if at all possible. Sleep provides your mind and body time to rest and rejuvenate.
Tip! To get acne treatment, if you consult your physician, you will be prescribed, some times, to start treatment with a preparation containing Benzoyl peroxide. If these options do not work for you, then there are a range of other treatment options which can either be rubbed onto the skin (topical) or taken in tablet form (oral).

There are several acne treatments that you can perform that, if done on a regular basis, prove to be highly effective, proactive measures. For example, always try to use oil-free cosmetics that won't clog your pores. Shaving the skin with a light touch and a sharp razor or even an electric shaver helps to exfoliate the skin and won't be too rough on skin that is broken out. It is best, though to avoid areas of the skin that are especially irritated or infected, and allow them time to heal. Also, make sure to gently wash your face twice daily with lightly exfoliating products. Do not ever scrub the skin, for this can lead to further irritation and more acne problems.

Taking the proactive approach to acne treatment is by far the best way to avoid embarrassing or painful breakouts. And you will find in doing so, that you will not only have healthier looking skin, but that your body and general well-being will be healthier in the effort as well.
Tip! Many people choose to use retail acne treatment products, which can be effective if used properly. It is very important, however, that consumers read and understand the instructions and/or warning labels found in the packaging.

About The Author Mark Woodcock is a director of 3 Internet Companies, is a published author and has written many articles on a widespread number of topics. All his articles may be reproduced provided that an active link is included to

Acne Treatment: OTC Alternatives

Acne is by far one of the few ailments that unite the world; it cuts across races and colors and constitutes a cause of worry for millions worldwide. So, if you suffer from acne, you are certainly not alone in this predicament. Every year millions of dollars are spent by millions across the globe in search for the most effective acne remedy.

Unfortunately, no drug, either prescription or over-the-counter (OTC), has been shown to effectively cure acne. In essence, you can only hope to find treatment options that prevent, reduce or control the breakout of acne. Because of the popularity of acne, several conventional medicines can be found in the market today and every one of them will want you to believe in the miracle of their products. However, most of these medications come with adverse effects that in some cases are relatively worse than the condition they were supposed to treat. How do you rationalize an acne treatment that in the long run causes severe rash and/or irritation?

In this light, it is very important to understand the constituent of whatever acne drug you choose to use. For example, some so-called oil-free cosmetics actually contain synthetic oils that can clog your pores and even worsen acne. And most creams, mask or lotions that are claimed to shrink the pores of the skin could well be lies, as researches have shown that it is not possible to open or close the skin pore. This goes further to add weight to the argument that you have to understand the content and/or adverse effects of whatever acne treatment you choose to use.
Tip! There are many natural acne treatments available for purchase. These contain various plant extracts that work to dry up the pimple and sooth the skin.

Over the counter (OTC) treatments for acne have been shown to be relatively effective and with minimal or no adverse effects, except in some cases or individuals where irritation or allergic reactions occur. There are several over the counter products that can effectively treat acne; some of them are discussed below.

Benzoyl Peroxide: This is the most widely used over the counter treatment for acne. It is found in several drugs in different concentrations, ranging from 2.5 - 10. Benzoyl Peroxide is believed to be capable of killing the bacteria that causes acne. But the amazing fact about this product is that the bacteria does not get resistant to it with prolonged use. So, you can always be sure of its efficacy, irrespective of the duration of use However, because the product is capable of causing rash/irritation, it is always advisable to begin with formulations that contain lower concentrations of the Benzoyl Peroxide before moving up to higher concentrations. Examples of medications that contain Benzoyl Peroxide include: Fostex 5 Cream, Neutrogena On-the-Spot Acne Treatment, Clear By Design Gel 2.5% and ProActiv Renewing Cleanser.

Glycolic Acid is another product is not as common or widely used as Benzoyl Peroxide. However, it is believed to be efficacious in cleansing dead skins and stimulating the production of new skin cells. Its use in acne is derived from this function, since it is thought that by removing dead cells on the skin surface, it could help open clogged skin pores, however, its actual effectiveness in treating acne is not known. Though, it is usually found in several acne and anti aging medications. You can find Glycolic Acid in medications like ClearLogix Deep Cleansing Acne Treatment Pads and in Neostrata Products.
Tip! Home treatment option is the most common among the most households; acne treatment method being very simple and mostly improvised over experience gained over years. Always try to keep the spot-prone areas very clean, so wash the affected area twice a day with a un perfumed and non oily cleanser.

Salicylic Acid is another good over the counter treatment for acne. It is believed to work by cleansing the skin of dead cells and also softening the skin. However, like Glycolic Acid, this product might be more effective if used in conjunction with other acne medications. Salicylic Acid can be found in Clearasil 3-in-1 Acne Cleanser, Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash, Maximum Strength Persa-Gel 10 and ProActiv Solution Deep Cleansing Wash.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne

Acne Treatment: How to Fight Bacteria

Acne is an inflamed disease of the skin, and it has many causes. One such cause is bacteria that is breeding in the pores of the skin. When the body's immune system is weak, it becomes allergic to this type of bacteria. Blood cells are attracted to fight the allergy, and the pores become blocked. Oil secretions begin to build up at these pores and provide a breeding ground for even more bacteria. Eventually, pimples form.

When faced with a bacteria causing acne, it is likely that you will begin to panic. Just imagine when you have red bumps that resemble small boils on your face. These red bumps get filledl with a nasty puss caused by the body fighting the infection of the bacteria. What can you do? Well, there are a number of things that you can do to fight the bacteria for acne treatment.

Treatments that kill the bacteria that cause acne included the use of antibiotics like tetracycline, doxycycline and minocyclne. These are to be taken orally. Also topical antibiotics or bactericides like Benzoyl peroxide or erythromycin can help. The bacteria also known as "P. acnes", does however become resistant to the antibiotics eventually. However Benzoyl peroxide, an oxidizer, does not seem to generate resistance by the bacteria. While the acne will come back, it is a short term and temporary cure and is applied topically.

Gently exfoliating the skin can also help. This method can be done by using a cloth or a liquid scrub, or by using certain chemicals. Chemical exfoliating substances include salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Both of these agents cause a peeling of the top layer of skin, which prevents a build up of dead skin.
Tip! One aspiring method of alternative acne treatment involves the use of a naturopath. This professional specializes in the use of gentle cleaners made from herbs and vitamins to treat you acne.

Another over the counter acne treatment is salicylic acid, which softens skin and gets rid of dead skin cells, which in turn unclogs pores. Many face wash products contain this ingredient. Also sulfur contained in many over the counter products works well for many people. Another product is glycolic acid, which is found in anti-aging products as well as acne medicines.

However, natural health practitioners prefer to recommend the use of natural acne treatment. Tea tree oil is gaining in popularity. It kills the bacteria and also reduces redness and inflammation. It works much the same as Benzoyl peroxide but causes less skin irritation. Tee trea oil can be easily found at health food stories.

Acupuncture is used by some and is thought to alleviate hormonal imbalances in the body. Those who use acupuncture also usually suggest lifestyle changes and a change in diet, including cutting back on dairy products.

Light therapy is another natural remedy to fight the bacteria that has many adherents. Many people believe that the bacteria that causes acne insensitive to light in the blue wavelength of the light spectrum. Light therapy means shining blue light onto a patient for fifteen minutes at a time twice a week, usually for four weeks. This treatment can be expenses, running about $150 per treatment. Not all patients have had good results, but some have. Also since light in this wavelength is not harmful to the skin, there are no side effects or after effects.
Tip! Before trying any alternative acne treatment it is highly recommended that you become an educated consumer. You can accomplish this task by asking around with your family and friends, chances are one of them is suffering from acne or has recently cured their acne outbreak.

Some people think that acne is caused by poor hygiene and by eating certain foods. There is no scientific evidence linking diet to acne. But a good diet sure will not hurt in skin repair and damaged tissues.

Good personal hygiene also goes a long way in your acne treatment. Also using makeup that doesn't clog pores helps prevent the spread of bacteria and acne from getting worse.

Any of the above mentioned methods for acne treatment should help you in your fight against bacteria. You will see clearer skin as your bacteria is being wiped out. Practising good hygiene and adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle should also help in the acne inflammation. Good luck!

Kathelene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. Her blog includes useful information on acne remedy, natural skin care, natural remedies for skin care and anti-aging. She also provides step-by-step recipes for skin care that you can easily prepare from ingredients right out from your kitchen. Get updated on tips and resources for your acne treatment.

Essential Vitamins for Acne Treatment

Many nowdays are deficient in vitamins and minerals due to improper diet. Studies show that fewer than 32 percent of Americans eat the required servings of vegetables each day. Also, the American diet is comprised of too much of processed sugar and not enough fruits and water. A deficiency in essential vitamins and supplements can only spell trouble for the skin. If your body does not get the required nutrition for skin renewal, tissue repair and for its organs to naturally detoxify, then your chances of getting acned skin, along with other health problems, are likely to increase.

Vitamin A strengthens the protective tissue of your skin and helps in acne remedy. It reduces the production of sebum and works in repairing the tissue that skin and mucous membranes are made of. It's also a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are important and needed to help rid your body of toxins that have built up. A lack in Vitamin A can cause acne!

The Complex B vitamins are also helpful in preserving healthy skin through the relief of stress. Stress has been identified as a major trigger for acne for some people. The B vitamins should always be taken together. Thiamine is an antioxidant, helps circulation, and aids in digestion. Riboflavin works with Vitamin A and is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Niacinamide helps with the metabolism of carbohydrates in your system and improving circulation. Niacinamide shortage in your diet can cause acne. Pantothenic Acid or B5 is popular for helping to reduce stress and is needed for the adrenal glands to function properly. Vitamin B6, or Pyridoxine is important for the correct function of your immune system and antibody production.
Tip! Every over the counter acne treatments have one (or a combination) of four active ingredients- the rest is just packaging. Benzoyl peroxide is one of the best medications for acne.

Vitamin C with biofavonoids is also referred to as the "super vitamin" and can play an important role in your acne remedy. Vitamin C is instrumental in at least 300 metabolic functions in your body, is needed for tissue growth and repair, and flushes toxins from your system. Vitamin C also improves immunity and protects against infection. If you have diabetes, check with your doctor for the dosage that is best for your body.

Chromium, widely used for weight loss also helps fight acne. Chromium should be taken in an added form since chromium in foods is not easily absorbed. Much of it is lost in processing and high doses of sugar cause the loss of chromium.
Tip! Many doctors suggest a medication applied directly to the affected area. There are many topical medicines designed as acne treatment.

Zinc aids in acne remedy by regulating the activity of the oil glands. It promotes the healing in tissues and helps to prevent scarring. Zinc promotes a healthier immune system that in turn aids in the healing of wounds. In addition, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent the forming of free radicals, or toxins that can harm your body.

Finally, Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It improves healing and tissue repair and prevents cell damage by inhibiting oxidation of fats and the formation of free radicals.

One interesting fact about acne can be noted that is a multivitamin with added chromium supplement will give you most of what your body needs for the day. It should be also noted that taking too much of a vitamin or mineral can also be toxic and dangerous. Read the recommended dosage and stick with it.
Tip! Oral medication for acne treatment may include use of antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, oral isotretinoin or any other medicine your doctor feels suitable. The choice will depend upon the severity of acne and your skin.

With enough vitamins for your body, you are assured of a well nourished body. Your body organs, cells and tissues can perform optimally on the inside and you get to see the benefits on a physical level.

Kathelene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. Her blog includes useful information on acne remedy, natural skin care, natural remedies for skin care and anti-aging. She also provides step-by-step recipes for skin care that you can easily prepare from ingredients right out from your kitchen. Get updated on tips and resources for your acne treatment.

Proper Treatment Of Back Acne Is The Key To Eliminating It

Back acne is a less common, but no less upsetting type of acne for those that suffer from its conditions. It is found on the back and can be a very painful and irritating condition. It can also be more awkward to deal with due to the fact that the sufferer cannot always reach the infected area to properly treat it. This means that they might have to ask other people to help them to apply creams or other treatments and this can be very hard for them and make them very embarrassed about the whole thing. Of course, the problem with this is that it might make them less likely to apply the acne solution or medication, as they have to ask for help, and this can lead to it not being treated the way it should be or at all.

As with all types of acne it is important to keep the area that is affected as clean as possible. This is to make sure that there is no build up of excess oils because this has been proven to make the condition worse. It is also important to make sure that you are not using skin products that could further aggravate or irritate the acne condition or skin blemish. Make sure that the soap and shampoo that you are using does not contain any strong chemicals and that it does not have any oil it.

The best way to make sure that you are taking the right medication and using the right creams is to see your doctor or dermatologist. Although there are a lot of things that are available off the shelf, if the acne is on your back and you cannot see it properly, then it is a good idea to see your doctor as they can make sure that you are getting the right treatment in order to eliminate your acne. It is also a good idea to get a pharmacist to recommend a good range of soaps and bathroom products that will not affect your skin badly or cause any additional acne flare=ups on your back.
Tip! Acne will respond to drugs or other treatments the best when started early. The earlier the acne treatment begins the less chance for scarring or other related problems.

Back acne is an unpleasant condition but although the position is inconvenient, it is treatable. However, it is very important to make sure that you see your doctor or dermatologist so that they can recommend a good course of treatment. This way you are much more likely to be able to treat it effectively. There are a lot of very good treatments available for acne and although you might need to ask for help to apply them if you are unable to reach the affected area, it is worthwhile and it could make a lot of difference to you and the skin on your back.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and back acne treatments that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Acne Treatment Tips That Actually Save Your Skin!

When it comes to skin health, it seems that clean is no longer enough. Now, it has to be acne-free. Most people do not know that acne is commonly caused by extreme build-up of dirt and oil in the skin.

Skin acne caused by different factors is a common problem most people have to deal with at one time or another. Once it gets into your skin, various problems occur including psychological and emotional problems.

Banish them fast and permanently with the latest innovation and techniques from the skin experts. Here is a checklist of what you need to do in order to eradicate that stubborn acne out of your face:

1. Get rid of the oils

Most career women are too tired to get their makeup off their face before going to sleep. What they usually do is to use some makeup remover and head to bed instantly. This is one of the most common factors that trigger the build up of acne in the face.

Keep in mind that makeup can bring about acne, especially if they are loaded with oils. If you have the propensity to acquire acne, it would be better to keep away from all makeup products that contain any kind of oil. It would be better if you will use oil-free facial products and other skin products.

2. Be wary on the hairsprays

Hair products can have a plugging effect on your skin so that you develop pimples along your hairline. To prevent that, use as little spray as possible and protect when you do use it. Put a towel over your face and then spray.

3. Beware the cooks hazard

As occupational hazards go, it is not on a par with riveting girders on the 89th story of a skyscraper or removing deadly asbestos from old school buildings. But even so, restaurant-caused acne is a face-threatening hazard.
Tip! It is important to know that in most causes acne treatments will not necessary cure the acne that is already on your face or body. This will usually be done with antibiotics.

If you work in a restaurant, the oil and grease coming off the French-fry maker and the frying pan can clog the skin and cause acne.

Hence, the best way to do away with oil is to wash your face with a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide solution before you set off to work. Then gently wash your skin every two to three hours with a non-drying, mild soap or a cleansing lotion while working at the restaurant. This will prevent restaurant acne.

4. Adopt a summer cleansing schedule

Summers heat and humidity invite flare-ups of acne. People sweat a lot more, and that seems to clog up the pores. But even though you should try to cleanse your skin a little bit more often in the summer, do not wash too much. Typically, clean twice a day, unless you are getting hot and sweaty. By then, a third time is just fine.
Tip! Oral medication for acne treatment may include use of antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, oral isotretinoin or any other medicine your doctor feels suitable. The choice will depend upon the severity of acne and your skin.

5. Throw in the towel and the pillowcase

People should change their towels and pillowcases more frequently, say, a few times a week will do. That helps keep blemish-causing bacteria off your face.

Keep in mind that acne can be avoided. The fast-paced lifestyle of most people today, especially women, has undeniably contributed a lot of reasons to develop acne.

Hence, the only solution to these problems is to find the best way to maintain the health and vigor of the skin amidst the busy and hectic schedules.

Hanif Khaki is the widely respected author of numerous health related articles including many on acne treatment He is also the founder of the popular acne resource site

Acne - Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Acne, zits, pizza face. You've surely heard all the slang out there. For many it's the thing jokes are made from. To some it is a minor convenience that will be outgrown over time. To some though, acne is much more than a minor inconvenience. It can become a serious problem. One which can not only be physically damaging, but mentally as well.

What is Acne? Acne is an affliction normally associated with teenagers. Acne appears when follicles, or pores in the skin are clogged. Oil that usually escapes to the skin's surface is then trapped, where bacteria begins to grow and acne forms.

There are different types of acne, from mild cases such as whiteheads & blackheads, to more serious and potentially disfiguring cases like, acne conglobata. Mild cases and normally easy to treat, while more severe cases, may require more aggressive therapy to control.

There is no definitive cause of acne, but there are several factors believed to play a part. The most important factor is believed to be increased levels of androgens, the male sex hormone, which increases in males and females during puberty. Another factor may be heredity, where the gene causing the development of acne is passed down from parent(s) to children. Certain drug use may also contribute, as well as certain cosmetics, which could potentially alter the cells in the follicle, causing the follicle to stick together.

Contrary to popular believe, eating chocolate or greasy food will not cause acne to form, though diet is thought to help in the prevention of acne is some people.

Treatment of typical cases of acne usually includes over the counter products containing, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid. These chemicals have proven effective in the treatment of mild cases of acne. It is advised not to pick or squeeze Acne, as you will increase the risk is scarring. Scrubbing the acne with a loofah or any other method is also not recommended, as scrubbing only makes it worse.
Tip! Actually, I must correct myself immediately: it's not really an acne treatment, but it's a treatment for a lot of ailments. And this natural remedy that I am talking about is Bentonite Clay.

More severe or resistant Acne will require treatment by a licenced Dermatologist. A Dematologist may prescribe topical treatments such as Retinoids, or Antibiotics. Oral antibiotics may also be prescribed, as well as hormonal treatment in severe cases, like accutane. Accutane is used as a last resort for those for which other treatments have been ineffective.

The prevention of acne may be as simple as keeping your hands and hair off your face, as your hands and hair contain oils which may contribute and contaminate the pores of your face. Other prevention tips include the reduction of stress in your everyday life, exercise regularly, as well as eating a balanced diet. Warm baths and getting plenty of sleep may also contribute in the prevention of acne. It is also advised that makeup be used sparingly and be removed completely when not needed.

Acne is a difficult affliction for some to deal with, but with the right treatments and lifestyle changes, can be managed and minimized. Some will surely outgrown it in time, but those who do not, have options to improve their quality of life.
Tip! In severe cases, it is best that you consult the dermatologist for advice and get a prescription for stronger acne products. These acne treatments and products require a higher degree of monitoring, as they tend to have more side effects.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne

Acne Treatment Myths Exposed!

Acne is short for acne vulgaris. It is a disease of the skin that is more commonly referred to as zits or pimples. Usually those who are at the age of puberty are the ones that are most prone to acne. This is because of their bodies' abnormal reaction to the hormone called testosterone.

For most people, by the time they get out of puberty and hit their twenties their acne would have disappeared. However, some who are not as lucky may have to deal with acne, for a lot longer. It is impossible to predict when acne will disappear. A lot of people tend to be stricken by acne at some stage in their lives.


Acne is a skin disease that is characterized by inflammation, this is due to the excessive oil that the skin produces, combined with some dead skins that clog the pores. As a result of this condition acne or skin lesions may appear on the face, arms, back, shoulder, and chest. In more serious cases of acne, some red sore, bumps or boils may even appear.

Causes of acne

Some known causes of acne include:

- dead skin cells on the skin - severe stress can cause acne - clogged pores may also result in acne - scratching the surface of the skin that results in irritation - Myths that surround acne

There are many misconceptions about acne that people have been harboring for a long time. Some of which may cause harm to individuals who have acne who might act upon these beliefs.

Here is a list of the more common misconceptions about the treatment of acne:

- Over the counter drugs in enough to get rid of acne.

While some medicines can help alleviate the mild cases of acne; most acne need more serious treatment. Some over the counter medication may in fact worsen the acne condition of some individuals who do not respond well to these medicines.

First thing is first, those who have acne should consult a dermatologist to get a professional assessment. Not all acne are alike, some need more serious treatment than others. This is why it is important to get a check up. A dermatologist will be able to prescribe the right set of medication that will help get rid of your acne.
Tip! In severe cases, it is best that you consult the dermatologist for advice and get a prescription for stronger acne products. These acne treatments and products require a higher degree of monitoring, as they tend to have more side effects.

-Home remedies are a quack. This is not necessarily true. There have been findings that revealed that homemade medicines made of herbs and other essential ingredients have been effective in treating mild cases of acne. But this treatment may not work for all. Since different skin types respond differently to various remedies, It is always best to go to a medical expert. This way individuals will get exactly the type of medication or treatment that they need.

-Switching to a healthier diet will get rid of acne forever! Medical experts are still yet to find a link between bad diet as the cause of acne. Most people are still under the misconception that oily foods, and chocolates causes acne.
Tip! Something which must be considered is the purpose for the skin clearing strategy. There are differing approaches for acne treatment, each with its own considered purpose.

It is important for those who are suffering from acne to get their facts straight. After all, there are a lot of circulating treatments that supposedly cure acne. But in the end they only end up harming those who want get cured.

Before undergoing any type of treatment individuals must do some research first, and find out everything they can about the treatment they are about to submit to. This way, they would get the treatment that will work for them.

Hanif Khaki is the widely respected author of numerous health related articles including many on acne treatment myths. He is also the founder of the popular acne resource site

Treatment Techniques for Acne Scars

Statistics say that approximately 80% of people suffer from acne between the age of 14 and 21. For most, it is a phase that, though temporary, causes pain and problems to a teenager. It may even cause unwanted changes to your face. This is just about the whole problem in a nutshell. It isn't the end of the world. However, this is just one kind of acne. The other type is far more painful and can even leave acne scars. Scars maybe caused by both mild and severe acne, but it is the latter that the chance of scarring gets multiplied.

Just like any scar, an acne scar is also the result of either tissue damage or tissue loss. Tissue damage scars take place when our body tries to mend wounded tissue or safeguard it from infections. It sends a special chemical called collagen to the affected region. However, the same chemical when produced in excess transforms into a fibrous mass that is coarse to the touch. In the case of tissue loss, which is another regular cause of acne scarring, the scars themselves may be of many types. For example, depressed scars, atrophic macules, "ice pick" scars, soft scars, etc.
Tip! Many doctors suggest a medication applied directly to the affected area. There are many topical medicines designed as acne treatment.

Acne scars can be treated effectively by choosing from a wide array of treatment procedures. These techniques help to almost return the skin back to its normal look. Even then, restoring the skin to its former glory may not be always possible. The number of acne scar treatments is over-whelming. Selection of the treatment technique depends on the type of acne you have, acuteness of scarring and your budget. A dermatologist is the best judge of which technique to use for the acne scar treatment.

The most prevalent acne scar treatment is to inject collagen under the surface of the scarred area of skin. This causes the skin to puff up slightly and diminishes the appearance of the scar. Another common acne scar treatment is to extract fat from some other part of the body and inject it into the affected skin. This fills up the depression in the scarred area. This technique is known as "autologus fat transfer". The downside to this practice is that it needs to be repeated from time to time, as fat is absorbed into the body, thus rendering the treatment temporary.

Dermatologists may also suggest "dermabrasion" or laser techniques, both of which are highly effective. Other techniques like skin grafting and surgery are often resorted to in acute cases.

Hence, we have an overview of various acne scar treatment techniques.

Paul Heitman is the owner of The website that contains information and resources on acne cures.

Water Is The Best Natural Treatment For Acne

A dog encountered a rattlesnake and killed it; however, the dog sustained a bite during the fight. Through instincts, the dog struggled to a nearby watering hole, drank freely, and at times lay in the water. Eventually, the dog recovered from the snake bite. What does that dog instinctively know about the healing properties of water that we don't?

Consider this, water ranks as one of the best natural treatments for acne. Sounds unbelievable doesn't it! Especially in light of the many over-the-counter "miracle cures!" Caught you off guard didn't I? Hold that thought… coming back to water as a natural treatment for acne in a minute.

Answer this. Which organ in the body is the largest? Alright already… you're on the ball. Correct… it's the skin. Keep this point in mind; there are two parts to the skin, the outer layer that people see. External elements like sun, wind, and rain attack the outer layer. Then the inner layer which no one sees. Internal elements like impure blood, bacteria and viruses attack the inner layer. Both layers need tender loving care to maintain integrity, and normal function.

There's more, so bare with me as I inject another element into the discussion. I promise to tie these three elements together to show the importance of water is a main weapon in the fight against acne.

One more important point, let's take a quick and simple look at the blood as it makes a round trip through the circulatory system. Blood flows into the heart via the right auricle and gushes down into the right ventricle; then on into the lungs where an exchange occurs and we get a fresh "batch" of bright red, oxygenated blood. It now surges into the left auricle, races down into the left ventricle, continues via the aorta into the arteries carrying vital oxygen to the body. At some point the blood makes a pit stop at the liver and picks up food. Further along, it arrives at the kidneys, gets filtered, cleaned up, and sent on its way. After offloading food and oxygen to its various stations around the body, it now emerges as blue blood (deoxygenated blood) into the veins, then streams back into the heart via the right auricle to begin another circuit. A very simple explanation of blood circulation.
Tip! Cystic acne treatment can undoubtedly give rise to certain side effects, but these should all subside once treatment is complete. And for the many patients who have completed treatment, the wonderful results have been well worth it.

Consider the following benefits of water as a natural treatment for acne:

1. Eighty percent of your blood swims in water. As the blood makes its circuit around your body, water in the blood soaks, bathes, and washes your internal body, fighting off the ingredients that promote an acne prone environment.

2. Water carries nutrition and oxygen to your internal body, keeping organs nourished, vital, and fit to fight acne.

3. Water helps with the elimination of impurities from the body, keeping a clean house and allowing for timely irrigation.

4. Water supplies a "breath of fresh air" to the internal and external body.
Tip! There are different types of acne treatment as well. For those who have severe cases of acne, there are several options to consider.

5. Water promotes overall good health.

6. Water can relieve pain.

7. Water can hold in check otherwise rampant diseases, including acne.

8. Daily water intake can increase your physical endurance by as much as 80%.

9. When you take on board salt, sugar and protein, additional amounts of water must also be taken on board for the processing of these ingredients.

10. When you neglect to drink water daily, your blood thickens and flows slower, encouraging an environment for acne to prosper.

Here's your next step, drink liberal amounts of water daily to stave off acne. Remembering that we need free flowing, water filled, clean blood in order to maintain internal and external skin integrity. Water keeps the system free of contaminants and impurities that may otherwise weaken and render your system vulnerable to acne attacks.

In short, the next time you have a flare-up, think of water as a treatment for acne. For starters, drink a few glasses of water, then go outside and jump into your swimming pool. You may find that your dog already beat you to the punch.
Tip! The first intention of clearing the skin from lesions and breakouts is possibly the more popular reason behind finding the best acne treatment. One rule of thumb is to only wash the area affected by acne twice each day.

Wycliffe Williams has been in sales management for twenty years. Writing articles has become rewarding and fun. He has a young daughter who has battled acne for years. If you enjoyed this article please check his site:

Natural Acne Treatment Information

Do you have mild to moderate acne? Have you tried every over-the-counter medication in the store? Does it seem to not only remain the same, but get worse? Well, you are not alone.

Trying different medications for your acne can actually cause your skin to act up due to the different chemicals that upset its Ph balance. A natural acne treatment is the best way to replenish your skin's health and heal your acne.

Basically, a natural acne treatment is changing your diet, cleansing your internal organs and using herbal remedies to provide nutrients to organs. Prescription medicines, harsh chemicals and junk or processed food with food additives are all unnatural acne treatments.

Although severe acne needs serious attention, mild to moderate acne can be treated effectively by a natural acne treatment with natural herbs. These herbs will help even in diminishing acne. This Natural acne treatment is not from an exotic plant or rare species. This natural acne treatment is actually a part of common natural products and oils found in your home.

Spices keep your skin, digestive system and immune system healthy. Although they can do such good, they must be used in moderation. Raw spices can be used in healing rid of acne as a natural acne treatment.

As you may have guessed, fruits and vegetables are also a part of a natural acne treatment. They are both brilliant for your skin when applied directly. It is because of the minerals, essential oils and antioxidants.
Tip! Salicylic acid gets under your skin and dissolves whiteheads and blackheads. Acne treatments like Stri-dex, Clearasil Clearstick, Oxy Night Watch all use this as their active ingredient.

Vegetables like cucumber cleanse your skin from excessive oiliness. You can extract the juice of vegetables, and put them on your face five minutes every day. Unfortunately, the natural acne treatment does not work overnight. You have to wait about a month before you start to notice serious results.

Because fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, they help you rid toxic body chemicals. It also transports nutrients to your body. Exfoliation is another natural acne treatment necessary in keeping skin acne-free. It sloughs off dead skin cells as well. Try this: use flour from your kitchen and add a tiny bit of turmeric and a few drops of coconut oil to make a face mask. It will soften skin and remove dead cells.
Tip! Most acne treatments will take time to work. It usually takes around 8 weeks before you see any significant improvement so you are going to have to be patient.

Regular use of the mask is a natural acne treatment that clears your complexion and stops acne from forming. You can also consider putting whole milk on your skin afterwards for a healthy glow and texture.

Guy Ray is an article writer with more than 200 articles to his credit. To learn more about effective acne treatments visit his stop acne website at

Acne Treatment Remedies for Adults and Teens

Those who have experienced pimples on their face and torso want an acne remedy that they can use and that will work. There are lots of different products you can use. Some make outrageous, miracle claims but a few of them work to reduce the symptoms and overall appearance of acne.

It can be very difficult to make the right choice of an acne product on the market today. Most people use trial and error in their choices, trying the product for a few days then giving it up and moving on to a new one when nothing happens or worse something does happen in the form of further irritation of the skin. It can be very upsetting and expensive even though this form of trial and error does occasionally give good results.

Good research can save time. Find what's in the product and research what it does. This will help to eliminate much of the competition. There are few acne treatments with FDA approval in over-the-counter uses and they are often used in combination with other acne fighting treatments. This helps to maximize their ability to help keep acne off your face.

Many are used in different strengths or percentages in the medications. Sulfur has been used for many years as an acne treatment. It does cause drying as part of its treatment so you may need to use some skin lotion on your face. Sulfur can be combined with antibiotics and it is considered very safe and relatively inexpensive for the purchaser. However the skin can become used to the Sulfur and will no longer react to it when applied, so the treatment is ineffective.
Tip! After the skin is cleared, a lot of people find themselves carrying around a few scars. Another purpose for acne treatment is to stop or even heal acne scarring.

Benzoyl peroxide common in over-the-counter treatments and is thought to be very, highly effective in the killing of the p. acnes bacteria which causes acne. It can also dry up excess oil from the pores and overuse can lead to dry and chapped skin. A mild dosage is often just as effective as the stronger one.

Lastly Salicylic acid unplugs those clogged pores by soaking into the plug and helping to loosen it up. It's made from willow bark. Interestingly a form of it is what makes up Aspirin. Plus the acid helps to exfoliate the dead skin cells from the surface of your skin.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free info. on Adult Acne and skin treatments.

An Acne Treatment Regime for Adults and Teens

Perhaps the most important acne treatment regime is consistency! No matter what treatment is chosen there is one sure way to make it fail and that is inconsistent or improper use.

Not all acne products have good use instructions. When the product is not part of a larger kit it probably only has sketchy use information. There needs to be a better long term use beauty regime in place in order to reap full benefit from the products chosen.

When choosing over-the-counter products there are only four choices of active acne fighting ingredients which can be utilized with full FDA approval. Those ingredients are often used in about the same order as part of an acne fighting regime.

The first of those ingredients is salicylic acid. This is frequently used in soaps and cleansers as the first step in a twice daily treatment regime. The second is benzoyl peroxide which serves as an antibacterial and oil eliminator. The third is resorcinol and/or sulfur often used in combination as a leave on peeling agent.

Although theses ingredients recur in many different forms and under many different brand names there is a great variation in the percentage of each used. This is particularly true in the case of benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid.

Higher percentages of benzoyl peroxide will yield good results on cystic torso acne. The same strength will cause excessive reddening and drying or blistering of facial skin particularly in babies or the middle aged.

The same situation exists with salicylic acid. A low 2% concentration of this ingredient will cause slow peeling of outer skin layers and eventual loosening of clogged pores. The higher percentages at up to 35% will yield deep pore cleaning but would not be suitable for daily use. An acne treatment regime needs careful planning.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free info. on Adult Acne and skin treatments.

5 Guaranteed Acne Care and Treatment Tips

Acne afflicts 9 out of 10 people today. Its not just a skin condition related to teens and puberty. Acne can cause severe and permanent scars both physically and mentally. There are thousands of products hawked on various infomercials on TV that claim to cure acne, but according to the American Medical Society and leading dermatologists 99% of these are ineffective at best. So, what really works? Here are five guaranteed acne care and treatment tips that will leave your skin cleaner, healthier and less susceptible to acne.

1. Hydrate - The fact is that 70% of Americans are not properly hydrated. When our bodies are not given enough water, the skin loses its elasticity and ability to quickly heal and repair. This can cause the follicles to become blocked and make the skin a breeding ground for bacteria. It is recommended that the average person drink 6-10 glasses of water every day. To test for proper hydration, pinch, pull and release the skin between your forefinger and thumb. If you are properly hydrated the pinched skin will quickly return and show elasticity. Dehydrated skin is similar to aged skin and will show less elasticity. It is a clinically proven fact that proper hydration will help any acne care or treatment.

2. Proper cleansing. Grocery and drug stores have hundreds of brands of soap on display and most are too harsh for your skin. These harsh soaps can dry out your skin, worsen acne, and increase the skins production of sebum or oil (which will attract acne causing bacteria in clogged pores). It is best to use a mild cleanser like Cetaphil or its cheaper generic equivalent (available at Target and Walmart). These cleansers will leave you with fresh, clean skin and are recommended by virtually every dermatologist in America.

3. Moisturize. That's right, moisturize. Even for oily, acne prone skin. Proper moisturizing will actually result in healthier skin which is less susceptible to most acne conditions. Make sure you use a non-comodogenic moisturizer as it will not clog pores. As everyone has different and unique skin you should try several different moisturizers to find the one that works best for you. Some may have botanicals and herbs you don't like or fare well with. There are many moisturizers, so find one that you really like and stick with it. Also, use a non-comodogenic high spf lotion for sun protection. The sun will age and dry out your skin and will increase production of acne causing oil.
Tip! There are different types of acne treatment as well. For those who have severe cases of acne, there are several options to consider.

4. Treat excess oil and clogged pores. For treatment of pimples and blackheads most dermatologists recommend benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid solutions of 5 - 10% strength. They can also be used on very light acne. They will actually inflame and worsen moderate or severe acne and are not recommended for this - regardless what any infomercial may claim. In severe and moderate acne benzoyl peroxide will dry out the skin too much and have an irritating effect. Salicylic is more effective for deep cleaning of pores.

5. TCA skin peels. TCA peels have been clinically proven to be as effective as isotretinoin (trade name Accutane) in treating moderate to severe acne without the side effects. They are also used in almost every dermatologists and plastic surgeons office (They are usually referred to as the Obagi peel, blue peel, or Estheticians Choice TCA peel). TCA peels are a deeper skin peel and will increase skin regeneration (through increased skin exfoliation), return the skin pH or acidity back to normal (excess oil can alter the skins pH and make it a breeding ground for acne causing bacteria). In the past TCA peels were only available in dermatologists or plastic surgeons offices as a very expensive outpatient treatment. They can now be obtained through the internet for in home use at very reasonable prices everyone can afford. The best thing is that a TCA peel only needs to be applied once every 3-6 months depending on the depth desired and strength used.
Tip! It is important to know that in most causes acne treatments will not necessary cure the acne that is already on your face or body. This will usually be done with antibiotics.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. For more information on TCA peels for in home use and great anti-acne products and ideas please visit

Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment Information

Salicylic acid treatment is as natural as steeped black willow bark. That of course would yield a chemical equivalent. One of its forms is a main ingredient in aspirin. Why then is this one of the four FDA approved ingredients for over-the-counter acne medications?

One of the guiding principals in facial skin care is the word "gentle". Other areas of the body are thicker skinned but the face has thin and more delicate epidermal layers. So whatever the purpose of the medication it must be gentle enough to perform its function without damaging the skin in any way.

This ingredient is often used in soaps of all forms. Cleansers for acne use salicylic acid treatment to gently exfoliate. The strength of the solution used may vary widely from medicated soap or cleansing cream to the next.

Solutions of salicylic acid treatment as low as 2% can provide antibacterial and exfoliating functions. Some companies market products containing salicylic acid treatments with solutions ranging from 5%, 10%, 20%, or 35% depending on level of exfoliating properties desired.

The very concentrated solutions are deep peeling and are not designed for daily use. Perhaps as infrequently as twice a month or less is the proper recommendation for these very high concentrations of this ingredient. You don't want to leave the stronger percentage Salicylic Acid peels on your skin too long or you could end up with a painful chemical burn.

So it seems that the difference between gently cleansing and removal of fairly deep layers of skin is simply the strength of the solution of the same ingredient. Whether weak or strong the theory of exfoliating in the routine treatment of acne is the same.

Removal of outermost layers of skin is intended to free up the plugs that clog pores and allow them to become dislodged. This is the reason that they are so often included in cleansers. Once dislodged they can be quickly washed away.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free info. on Adult Acne and skin care treatments.

Treatment of Acne with Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is probably the most widely used treatment for acne because of its antibacterial and drying properties. It is available for use by everyone from babies to teens to middle aged persons. It is available in mild solutions for over-the-counter use and in prescription strength.

Benzoyl peroxide is closely related to industrial drying agents in a variety of products. The products sold for a quick repair to automotive bodies contain benzoic acid. Another use of a similar substance is as a preservative in food. It's a pretty affective way to remove liquids. Still it can be overly drying as can be deduced from its use in car repairs.

Naturally something as widely available as this substance is misused on occasion. Overly strong solutions sold for use on the thicker skin of the torso would be harmful if used on the face. This would be extremely true if the very strong solution sold for a young adult were to be used for a baby's delicate skin. The same substance can be prescribed for a baby but in a much more dilute solution.

This very simple approach to acne treatment enters the marketplace in many different forms. Whether used in soap or cleansing foam, it is just as easy to overuse this chemical. In any of its forms no matter how creamy the product may feel it really is the strength of the solution that determines the way in which it is to be used.

Baby and adult skin treatments use the lowest solution at 2.5% while the strongest solution at about 10% is used in the treatment of cystic acne of the body. A few applications for solutions of 1% are available for the treatment of rosacea acne.

Benzoyl peroxide should be used as part of a comprehensive treatment approach.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free info. on Adult Acne and skin care treatments.

Causes Of Acne and New Treatment Approaches

The causes of acne are not fully understood, but dermatologists have certainly evolved in their knowledge and treatment approaches. During the process, many things that were believed to be associated with acne have either been ruled out, or modified with a deeper understanding.

Acne can occur at any time during a person's life. Whilst many people suffer acne during teenage years, not having acne then does not mean it may not develop as an adult. However, genetics does play a role. So if someone in your family has acne, there is a greater chance of developing it.

But acne is not contagious. During teenage years, for women who are menstruating, and women going through menopause, there are hormonal changes that are associated with acne.

Acne sufferers have oil producing glands that are more sensitive to regular levels of the hormone testosterone in their blood. Sometimes too much testosterone is produced. Women have small amounts of testosterone also, and for some women, adrenal or ovarian disease is an underlying cause of acne which causes excess production of these male hormones.

Testosterone, or the body's heightened responsiveness to it, causes the oil glands to produce more oil than they should. Here, other factors such as excess shedding of the dead skin cells lining the hair follicle, a narrowing of the hair follicles, and irregular clumping of the cells within the hair follicles, come into play. The end result is that the follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil, and the opening of the follicle is blocked. This is called a comedone.
Tip! Most acne treatments will take time to work. It usually takes around 8 weeks before you see any significant improvement so you are going to have to be patient.

This environment favors the multiplication of the acne bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes. This bacteria lives on the skin and is normally harmless. But the oil and dead cells in the clogged pore are like food to it, and the breakdown products of this bacteria's mealtime is irritating to the skin. If the bacteria multiply to the extent that the follicle wall breaks open, lesions can develop.

The role of inflammation in acne is being studied to give new insights into how to approach acne treatment. The inflammatory process within the skin can attract molecules that break down the collagen in the skin. This can lead to permanent damage - scarring. A research team at the University of Michigan is looking at testing treatments that reduce the intensity of the immune system's response to the effects of the 'acne invasion'. By reducing the level of inflammation, they hope to prevent acne scarring.
Tip! Acne will respond to drugs or other treatments the best when started early. The earlier the acne treatment begins the less chance for scarring or other related problems.



Rebecca Prescott presents an overview of acne products here. Or for some quick acne tips, check out this article.

Alternative Acne Treatment - Drug Free Solutions

Acne is a skin condition from which most of us have suffered at one time or another, especially in our teens, but for most people it lasted only for a year or two. However it is possible to have this common condition at any time in your life, and many people are plagued by acne throughout their adult lives, and find themselves in an endless search for a drug or product which will end their problem for ever.

Acne itself is a condition caused by excess oil in the skin, and this oil breaks down into fatty acids which cause the skin to inflame. This normally takes place on the face and neck, but can also create more serious scars in addition to the common spots and pimples.

There are many natural and alternative acne treatments available in preference to the conventional chemical acne creams and lotions. Although not technically an alternative acne treatment, as a first step it is advisable to analyze your diet as this can often contribute significantly to the condition. Avoiding processed and prepackaged food is advisable for all of us, regardless of any skin conditions, but an unprocessed food diet should be particularly beneficial for those suffering from acne. Fried and fatty oily food and food cooked in vegetable oils will contribute to the oils which cause acne, but healthy oils such as those contained in fish such as sardines can be consumed, these are known as Omega 3 oils.
Tip! Find out more about Acne as well as Acne Cures and adult acne, acne skin care products, the best acne treatments and more at Peter's website, Acne All Gone.

A healthy diet will also improve how your body processes food and integral to this is drinking lots of water. Most of us do not drink enough water, only getting part of our necessary intake though the water contained in other products and beverages. Drinking water, up to 10 glasses a day or more, will help to cleanse your system of many of the oils and toxins which may contribute to acne.

Another alternative acne treatment with potential benefits is increasing your vitamin intake. This can be done by buying vitamin tablets and supplements, but care must be taken as high levels of vitamins in the body can also be harmful. Vitamin A supplements can help with acne but as with all supplements they should be taken in moderation and preferably in consultation with your doctor. Similarly Zinc is often seen as an aid to alleviating acne symptoms, as it can help inflammation reduction and helps the immune system which protects against infection. Zinc can be found in foods such as liver eggs and seafood in particular. There are other products created from herbs which are reportedly able to help acne sufferers.
Tip! Who else wants to use natural acne treatment systems that work from the inside. To download your free report on the 2 fastest ways of getting rid of acne.

Overall the best advice to those afflicted by acne who want to avoid conventional chemical treatments is to start with a healthy diet, and give this new regime a chance to work. Locate one of the many sites or books outlining a healthy eating plan concentrating on those foods which contain little fatty vegetable oils and significant omega 3 oils, and critically drink lots of water. This simple change may be enough to alleviate many of your acne symptoms.

Visit for alternative health articles, product reviews and analysis.

Which Acne Blemish Treatment Really Works?

Acne can involve a great deal of effort. You have to do your research in order to obtain the required knowledge to make informed decisions about treating your acne blemished skin.

Acne can make life hard when you are surrounded by people who have flawless skin. And trying to find the right acne blemish treatment products can prove to be a real headache, not to mention a regular, never-ending expense. In order to get the clearer skin you want, you will need to take action. Take control of your acne treatment needs and make clearer skin a reality. Acne blemish treatment products are not only based on one type of product. They are interlinked and therefore require a routine usage. The best acne blemish treatment products are those that you can buy in a series because they will treat all of the problems acne creates in steps.

You need clean skin and unplugged pores before you can begin to effectively treat acne. And these "series" acne solutions will do exactly that for you. You just need to know which acne treatment series is right for you and that means identifying your skin type in the first instance. By using the series on a regular basis, you will be guaranteed to know whether they are the right product for you or whether you need to change. There are no short cuts when it comes to acne treatment. Actually being successful with your acne regimen requires a significant amount of dedication on your part. You will need to get on a regular regimen that includes a face wash, cleanser, and day and night creams.
Tip! Salicylic acid gets under your skin and dissolves whiteheads and blackheads. Acne treatments like Stri-dex, Clearasil Clearstick, Oxy Night Watch all use this as their active ingredient.

If you have these products, make sure you give them a fighting chance. There is no sense in spending all of that money for a product, only to use it once and then jump to the next product. You must actually give it a chance by following the directions and waiting for results. Conversely, if you have been using the same product for weeks with out success, stop and try something else. Try a different series every so often until you find the right one for your skin. Once you find that, stick to your regimen and never waiver.

One day I heard from a friend about a product called 101E Acne Getaway. I visited the website and was immediately impressed. They promised less acne within seven days in a safe effective way, it was defiantly worth a try. I ordered the product and after seven days of treatment I could clearly see the visible results. My skin felt refreshed and clearer and after time I even got comments on how good my skin looked! Now I still continue to use this product.
Tip! It is important to know that in most causes acne treatments will not necessary cure the acne that is already on your face or body. This will usually be done with antibiotics.

The main motive of this article was to provide some relevant content about acne blemish treatment and now that you have read this article, I trust that you found it useful and informative.

Bruce Walls is an author and webmaster at Read this article here

Acne Cures - What Is The Most Effective Long Lasting Treatment?

Knowing that no particular cause of acne is determined, perhaps the best move for you to take then is to find the right treatment that can help reduce and eliminate your skin condition to a certain level.

Acne is a serious skin disorder that plagues millions of people anywhere in the world. Certain reports have noted that acne can cause personal anguish and it may even lower the person's self esteem. For so many years, certain studies have been conducted for the cure of acne. Until these days, there is no one particular magic acne cure that can totally eliminate acne, although some products are claiming that they can. However, the news is not at all bad since a number of acne remedies, known be many as acne cures, are now available on the market. These acne cures largely vary according to the method of application, the severity of the acne condition, and to the type of the acne patient's skin.

One of the typically used acne cures are those over-the-counter products such as cleansers, moisturizers, astringents, and pimple creams. These acne cures are actually non-prescription products that are to some degree proven capable for unplugging the whiteheads and blackheads. Some of these acne cures encourage the skin to peel off, giving way to the new skin to develop.

The topical antibiotics are also there, known as "prescription only" acne cures. These forms of acne cure generally help fight acne by means of knocking out the acne-causing bacteria that infect the pores. However, there are some instances that acne may become resistant to these forms of acne cure, turning them useless in the end. Apart from the topical antibiotics, there are also oral antibiotics. Among the many side effects of these acne cures, nausea and dizziness are the common.
Tip! Section 2. Bentonite Clay Is A Superior Acne Treatment Bentonite Clay has been extensively used by many people and they have 'all' had major breakthroughs.

Although a number of experts claimed that acne cures are not yet in the market, some people still find certain ways and medicines and hailed them "acne cures". Aside from such samples of deemed "acne cures", there are also some topical antibiotics, known as the "prescription only" products. Several acne patients and experts have claimed that these "acne cures" help fight acne by means of killing the bacteria that greatly infect the pores. Nevertheless, there are some instances that acne may become resistant to these forms of "acne cures", making them useless as it turns out. Oral antibiotics which are considered "acne cures" are also there, but one of the unfavorable idea about them is the fact that these "acne cures" can affect the entire body, causing serious side effects. The known side effects of oral antibiotics are nausea and dizziness.
Tip! Salicylic acid gets under your skin and dissolves whiteheads and blackheads. Acne treatments like Stri-dex, Clearasil Clearstick, Oxy Night Watch all use this as their active ingredient.

Some vitamin A derivatives are greatly deemed by many as another great form of "acne cures" that they can prevent skin cells from clumping together and they promote shedding of the skin. However, just like the above mentioned "acne cures", these too have a number of side effects, such as dryness, redness, and irritation. There are even come cases that these "acne cures" are cause of some psychological disorders and birth defects.

Dean Shainin is a successful Webmaster and publisher of For more articles, and valuable resources for getting effective remedies, visit his site at: best acne cures

Is There a Good Home Treatment for Acne?

Acne isn't an isolated problem. In fact it happens to many of us... and for some of us, acne problems could get so bad it would be embarrassing to show our faces in public, even to go to the doctor's office! This is just one of the many reasons why people would willingly buy into the concept of a good home treatment for acne.

Well, there are certainly home remedies for acne, but they aren't miracle cures; how they work will depend on the person's skin type, lifestyle, and the nature of the acne problem. Some acne problems may have deeper roots and need the guidance of a doctor. But for a lot of us, acne problems could be solved by a number of very simple things we could do everyday. You can get a good over the counter home treatment for acne at a good price!

If you want to look into items that you can buy in drugstores, salicylic acid products are a good place to start. Many dermatologists will recommend this for ordinary skin problems. A skin care product that has two percent salicylic acid content should help speed up the healing process of your skin.

But a lot of times, you can make up home remedies from stuff you can buy at the grocery. For example, water. Did you know that drinking lots of water regularly can help clear up a lot of skin problems? A lot of times, skin disorders like acne are brought about by the buildup of toxins under the skin and in the pores. Lack of sleep helps this buildup along, and teenagers often find themselves staying up late for one reason or another.
Tip! Moira Jones is an Acne treatment expert and operates several helpful blogs on the treatment, prevention and management of various forms of Acne. For more information please see http://acne----medicine.

In fact, teenagers are the most common victims of acne and other skin-diseases. Another reason for this is that skin diseases may be triggered by hormone imbalance. Pregnant women also suffer from skin diseases because of this. Thankfully, it's a temporary setup and either it passes or is outgrown soon.

You should also know that you can make a home treatment for acne even out of grocery-bought products. A mask made of cooked oatmeal can be allowed to sit on the face for 15 minutes - this helps in relieving acne. Aloe and witch hazel are also two popular herbal products that can cure acne. You can also stay out in the sun for a bit - the ultraviolet rays of the sun may be an effective "natural laser" treatment. provides you with information on a wide range of acne related issues, such as home treatment for acne and much more.

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